Application configuration & installation
Application is developed by using Symfony 4 framework. You can check official installation documentation here.
We recommend using virtual private server(VPS) with PHP 7.2 and MariaDB. Ubuntu is preferred operating system for running the application. It is important to have SSH access to server so it is possible to run terminal commands.
Project contains configuration files for Docker so you can get working version on your local machine very easy. For more information please check Docker chapter.
After successful installation is required to create database tables by using the command below in the terminal window.
When the schema is successfully updated we need to generate static files. In our case we need to run encore command with the production parameter.
The command looks different on development environment where we need to watch for changes and see the map files so it is possible to track for example styles in source code.
Before starting the project make sure that node_modules and vendor directory are available. To install these directories run following commands in the project root directory.
Last updated